Responsive Classroom is a student-centered approach to teaching and discipline that emphasizes social and emotional learning. It incorporates a set of research- and evidence-based practices aimed at fostering safe, joyful, and engaging environments for students and teachers.
We believe in order for students to be successful in and out of school, they need to explicitly learn a set of social and emotional and academic competencies.
Instruction is designed with an understanding of the natural learning cycle, which begins with a sense of purpose or goal for learning and leads to the deepest, most meaningful learning. Responsive Classroom creates the the classroom conditions for social, emotional, and academic success by using practical strategies with the following four areas:
- Positive Community: which includes hosting Morning/Advisory Meetings each day, using explicit teacher language and positive discipline
- Effective Management: which includes teaching routines and expectations, and organizing the classroom to support learning
- Engaging Academics: which includes providing academic choice, teaching the language of learning, and active teaching and student practice
- Developing Responsive Teaching: which includes knowing the students, building upon their strengths, and ensuring parents are partners
CFCI Teachers take a proactive and nonpunitive approach to discipline through the application of the RC discipline practices such as:
- Creating a safe and predictable learning environment
- Preventing off-task behavior and misbehavior
- Responding to off-task behavior
- Solving chronic behavior problems
- Managing outbursts
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