MTSS Tiered Supports

MTSS Tiered Supports

MTSS Academic, Behavior & Social Emotional Supports

Differentiated Core Instruction

All students receive high-quality, evidence-based instruction in  core curriculum to meet their needs in the general education classroom. This includes general academic, behavioral and social-emotional instruction and support designed and differentiated for all students.The delivery of instruction at this level includes evidence based, whole group and small group strategies, as well as differentiated instruction based on the size and diversity of the learners in the group.


In an effective core, 80% of students meet and/or exceed state and locally developed standards with core instruction alone (i.e., with no additional supports).

  • Supplemental = approx. 20%
  • Intensive = approx. 5%

CFCI’s Core Curriculum includes (but is not limited to):

  • Inquiry-based, differentiated core instruction instruction incorporating CFCI's Inquiry Continuum
  • Addressing NC Standard Course of Study for reading, writing, language, speaking, listening, mathematics, science, social studies, and Specials areas
  • Core Social and Emotional Learning opportunities to develop social and emotional competencies in alignment with the CASEL framework
  • Responsive Classroom approach to teaching academic, social and emotional competencies through deliberate instructional practices


Supplemental Support

Supplemental support is intended to address the needs of students who have not responded sufficiently to core instruction (approximately 20% of students).

This first layer of additional support occurs outside of the time dedicated to core instruction, in small groups of 3-6 students, and focuses primarily on providing increased opportunities to practice and learn skills taught in the core academic and behavior curriculum and instruction. This support is in addition to the core instruction all students receive. Support is implemented through evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to improve academic performance and may include adapted learning strategies, increased learning frequency, intensity, and/or time.

When this Supplemental support is insufficient in meeting student need, students may be provided Intensive support.

Intensive Support

Intensive support is intended to address the needs of students who have not responded sufficiently or efficiently to core and supplemental instruction. Compared to the Supplemental level of support, Intensive support is more explicit, focuses on remediation of skills, is provided for a longer duration of time (both in overall length of intervention and regularly scheduled minutes of instructional time), and occurs in smaller groups or one-on-one.  Intensive support utilizes more narrowly defined learning targets that are gradually accelerated, more involved corrective feedback, explicit instruction and guided practice opportunities, as well as more frequent progress monitoring in order to better tailor instruction. These supports do not equate to special education services.

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