The CFCI Board of Directors is currently taking applications for the CFCI Board of Directors. If you know any parents or members of the surrounding community that are interested in working with our CFCI governing Board of Directors, please share this application with them. We would love to have applications as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, May 5, 2017. The position is open to a parent or a community member. If you know anyone who would be interested/qualified to serve on our CFCI Board of Directors, please pass this application along.
The CFCI Board meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:00-8:00pm. Each board member also serves on at least one CFCI Committee and those committees also meet monthly. Times vary, but they are often at 3:30 following dismissal since faculty members, board members and parents make up those groups.
Board Committees include:
- Policy and Procedure Review– write and review policies for CFCI/ensure compliance with state mandated policies
- Development– Fundraising, Marketing, Strategic Planning
- Finance– Review and recommend annual and monthly budget, budget requests, contracts, etc.
- Technology– Work with Faculty and Network Admin to ensure technology needs are being met, review curriculum, share ideas, research purchases, grants
- Life Long Learning– Curriculum and Professional Development Committee- design/research professional development, work with admin and faculty to design a PD plan for the year, review PD proposals from individuals, review/research up to date curricular practices, bring ideas to the school, etc.
Download your Board Application Here:
PDF Version- Application for CFCI Board of Directors
Microsoft Word Version- Application CFCI Board of Directors
Please email applications to CFCI Human Resources Coordinator, Jennifer Solomon at and CFCI Board Secretary, Ashley Cooksley at .
Applications can also be mailed to:
CFCI Board of Directors
Attn: Human Resources
2525 Wonder Way
Wilmington, NC 28401
More Information about the CFCI Board of Directors and CFCI Board Policies can be found at:,,