2019/20 CFCI First of Year Forms

2019/20 CFCI First of Year Forms and Transportation Reminders

Welcome to the 2019/20 school year. Below you will find the links to the First of Year Forms.  It is very important that all forms are returned no later than Tuesday, August 27th.

There are two additional forms that will go home with your student as hard copy. Those forms are the PowerSchool Student Information Form and the Household Income Survey.

The PowerSchool form will include existing demographic information currently on file.   Please note any changes on the form including medical considerations and family data. You will need to note your emergency contacts.  Please be aware the emergency contacts may be different from your “Authorized for Pick-up” persons. The emergency contacts you list on this form are individuals you trust to make decisions regarding your child in the event of an emergency and you cannot be reached.

2019/20 First of Year Forms

CFCI 2019/20 Authorization for Pickup


Here are Transportation Plan Reminders:  ALL details and maps are located at:  https://cfci.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Part-III-Transportation-for-website.pdf

Reminders:  First and foremost, be PATIENT and KIND.  The first week or two will inevitably be slower.  Be patient with another, our faculty and staff who are working to ensure all students are safe and accounted for, and with children learning how to efficiently get in and out of their cars during this new routine.   

*We are only allowed to park at the church, not our other neighboring parking lots.

Drop Off:  School starts at 8:05am!

  • CARS:
    • Enter ONLY from Wonder Way, the Shipyard entrance is not for parents, only for faculty and emergency vehicles
    • Do not use your phones during carline
    • Pay attention always, but especially in these first few weeks…many students and families will be doing this for the first time.
    • Use the sidewalks at the church
    • Cross when the crossing guard gives you the go ahead (they will have a large red stop sign just before the circle on Wonder Way)

Pick Up:  Please notify the front office of all transportation changes by 2:30pm

  • CARS:
    • Make sure car signs are visible and stay visible until you exit Wonder Way.  The caller AND the staff on the crosswalk loading children into cars use these.
    • Make sure that you have a 2019-2020 orange CFCI sticker on your front windshield.  If you do not, you will have to park and enter the MPR to get one.  Make sure you take your ID with you.
    • Please do not use your cell phones during this time.
    • MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN ID every single day when walking up
    • Park at the church, do NOT park in staff spaces on the Wellington side of the church lot (they have signs)
    • Stay on the sidewalks
    • Monitor kids at all time (no running ahead, balancing on pavement by the pond, cutting through grass, etc.)
  • VANS:
    • After school van riders will be called first.
    • Make sure the school is aware of any transportation changes by 2:30 pm.
    • Make sure the afterschool program has also been notified by the parent.

Thank you!  The schedule for dismissal this year will be as follows:

  • 3:00pm:  Van Riders will be dismissed to foyer for check out.
  • 3:05pm:  Walkers will be called to the MPR
  • Once walkers are safely across, the carline will begin being called, so this will be a little later than in previous years.  We want you to be aware of this change. 
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